# About me

  • 專注於整合前端與後端的技術將天馬行空的想法以 Web Application 的形式具體化。
    Focuses on integrating front-end and back-end technologies to bring imaginative ideas to life as web applications.
  • 喜歡新奇的事物。
    Likes new and innovative things.
  • 重度遊戲王玩家。
    Heavy player of Yu-Gi-Oh!
  • 線上教學平台 - 學米:諮詢師
    Online teaching platform, Xuemi - Counselor


深信 「運用程式來改變世界」 。永遠相信經歷的每件事情都是有意義的
熟習項目為使用 NodeJs 進行後端伺服器開發、使用 Vue, React 作為前端開發。並且有一些 cloud 使用經驗。

A full-stack engineer who is dedicated to understanding all aspects of the software industry chain.
Believes in using programming to change the world and always believes that every experience is meaningful.
Proficient in using NodeJs for backend server development, using Vue and React for frontend development, and has some experience with cloud usage.
Enjoys various games that require thinking, especially competitive card games like "Yu-Gi-Oh!".

# 技能樹 (Skill Tree)

Frontend Backend Infrastructure
Vue NodeJs MySQL
Nuxt Python PostgreSQL
React PHP Docker
Sass Erlang Redis
Typescript Aws Nginx
Tailwind GCP K8s

# 作品集 (Portfolios)

Edited on Views times

Give me a cup of [coffee]~( ̄▽ ̄)~*

Les Lee PayPal
