Got something different with your hair. You dye hair. you curl your hair. wavey 波浪捲 /curly 大卷髮 fossil 化石 rainbow moonstone Encyclopedia

很多線上服務都需要 email 進行帳號申辦。但是很多時候一個帳號僅能綁定一個信箱。而我們想要多的帳號,但是沒有這麼多信箱時該怎麼辦呢? Gmail 有一個特殊功能。如果你在自己的 gmail 信箱帳號後面使用 +[number|letters] ,gmail 會認得,並且統一寄送到你真正的信箱。 例如有一個帳號是 。若是我們在註冊信箱使用, 甚至是 ,其信件都會寄送到

Mermaid 作為 markdown 的流程圖繪製解決方案大大增加了 markdown 的實用性。對於繪圖苦手的我來說 Mermaid 簡直是一大救星。因此在開始自己搭建 hexo 部落格之後,我第一件事也是確認 Mermaid 是否可用。 後來選上 shoka 這套主題不單是它漂亮的佈景,還有豐富的內建 markdwon 語法支援。其中當然包括了今天的主角 Mermaid 。 在一切搭建都接近完成後,我依依確認功能是否完備時發現 Mermaid 無法正確顯示流程圖。無論怎麼修改 _config.yml...

broadly 寬廣 to enroll (v.) 編入 enrollment (n.) = sign up subject specialist = professor in specific subject. take gap year. = 升學階段的休學一年 ex. 高中到大學。大學到研究所中間休息一段時間 take a (week/month/year) off. = 休息一段時間 to work sb way through colledge = 半工半讀 teacher's pet (貶義) 老師的寵兒 brown noser 馬屁精 to keep up...

have foot in the door ( idioms ) to make the first step toward a goal by gaining entry into an organization, a career, etc. He took a job as a secretary to get his foot in the door. frequently > often > usually (1 / week). I don't know if i have a cold coherence =...

The country is mostly rural areas. I used to live in the country. farm fishing wild caught car pooling: 搭便車 car sharing program = pay to share a car

hold back 拖後腿 I am holding my friends back from winning. motivated = you really want to do something be cause of th. motivation (n.) stimulate 刺激 (someone's) interest in or enthusiasm for doing something. passionate (adj) = have some belive in th. ate (adj.) enthusiasm (n.) / enthusiastic...

# 單字 prairie (n.) 大草原 pasturage savanna grassland (小) 草原 pasture (v.) 放牧;= graze (n.) 牧地 enclosure (en|clos|ure) 圈地飼養 disverse (adj.) = different = discrepant = various = disparate di = two verse = turn fertile (adj.) 肥沃的 = arable cropland 耕地 crop (n.) = produce (n.) cash crop = 經濟作物 crop...