# 單字

  • prairie (n.) 大草原
    • pasturage
    • savanna
    • grassland (小) 草原
    • pasture
      • (v.) 放牧;= graze
      • (n.) 牧地
    • enclosure (en|clos|ure) 圈地飼養
  • disverse (adj.) = different = discrepant = various = disparate
    • di = two
    • verse = turn
  • fertile (adj.) 肥沃的 = arable
  • cropland 耕地
    • crop (n.) = produce (n.)
    • cash crop = 經濟作物
    • crop 裁切
  • landform 地形 = terran
  • Medi|terran|ean 地中海的 (adj.)
    • Medi = middle

# 字根

  • verse / verg = turn
    • averse (adj.) = 不喜歡;厭惡的
      • a = without
      • verse = turn
    • adverse (adj.) = 不利的;逆向的 + to N
      • ad = toward = 朝著
      • verse = turn
    • converse (v.) = (conversation) = 交談 + with N
    • inverse (adj.) = 顛倒的;相反地
    • reverse (v.) = 逆轉
    • traverse (adj.)(v.) = 橫跨的
    • divergency (n.) = 歧異 = discrepancy
  • fertile (adj.)
    • = rich
    • = productive
    • = fecund
    • <=> infertile (adj.)
      • = barren 不孕的
      • = sterile
      • = topography
  • ephemeral (adj.) 暫時的;短暫的
    • = temporary
    • = transient
    • = momentary
    • = evanescent 短暫的
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