• broadly 寬廣
  • to enroll (v.) 編入
    • enrollment (n.) = sign up
  • subject specialist = professor in specific subject.
  • take gap year. = 升學階段的休學一年 ex. 高中到大學。大學到研究所中間休息一段時間
  • take a (week/month/year) off. = 休息一段時間
  • to work sb way through colledge = 半工半讀
  • teacher's pet (貶義) 老師的寵兒
    • brown noser 馬屁精
  • to keep up with anythings = don't fall behind.
    • ex. are you keeping up with me.
    • He could not keep up with the conversation. (He didn't understand.).
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