# Vocabulary

  • scenery = 風景

    • view 比較偏向眼中看出去的事物
    • scenery 是平常描述中的「風景」
  • coherence 連貫性 (n.)

  • accuracy 準確性 (n.)

  • intonation 語調 (n.)

  • flawless = perfect 完美的

  • to unwind (v.) = to relax.

  • to gather (v.) = gathering (n.) 聚集 =/= together.

  • to go sightseeing 觀光

  • to get together 聚聚

    • ex. Shall we get together on Friday and go for a drink or something?
      • 我們星期五聚聚喝點東西,如何?
  • to catch-up 聯絡感情

    • How about let's catch-up next week?
      • 我們下週來聚聚聯絡感情如何?
  • to contemplate 沉思

  • to cost an arm and leg = expensive.

  • to change of senary = 轉換心情

  • to broaden wider = 打開眼界

  • here and there = to describe uns

  • as often as = every time 每次

    • As often as I tried to phone him the line was engaged.
    • 每次我給他打電話都佔線。
  • indeed 的確

  • not to mention = 更不必說

    • There were three of us there, not to mention the children.
      • 不算孩子在內,我們中有三個人在那裡。
    • I enjoyed the meal, not to mention the conversation.
      • 我很喜歡那一頓飯,至於席上的談話更是不必說了。
  • accurately (adv.) 準確地.

  • accurate (adj.) 準確的

  • accuracy (n.) 準確性 /precision 精確性

  • glitter 閃光

# 字根字尾

  • ex 外面
  • er 反覆 / 比較級 / 能做某用途的人或物,東西;能做... 用途的東西。
  • cise = cut 切割


exercise = (外出反覆批砍) = 運動
  • ac / ad = to
  • cur = cure = take care
  • rate = 變成...; 充當... = cause to become.


accurate = (to become more care) = 精確
  • pre 預先
precise = 精確的
(pre cut the ambiguous part, then leave the things are sure.)
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